Episode Twenty : Matt Watson - Ultimate Fisherman

Reel Tails with Sweens - Podcast By Dwayne Sweeney

Matt Crayfish website.jpg

Episode Twenty :

This episode I sit down with Matt Watson to discuss all things fishing and so much more. Matt has become a household name both here in New Zealand and abroad for his energetic presence on our media screens hosting Ultimate Fishing TV. This episode is full of amazing content and some Tails that us fishermen often dream about.

From 17 hour swordfish battles, to our involvement in “Pack the Park” and getting to play along side some of the true greats of the game, his passion for the sport of rugby and the respect it teaches, the time he spent working on “Primetime” with John Gregory and becoming one of New Zealand’s premier game-fishing boats.

We also discuss his move from “Primetime to “The Ultimate Lady”, what it was like to discover the Whanganella Banks for the first time, the need for recreational fisherman to tag more Marlin, the balance of fishing as a job and doing it for personal enjoyment with family and friends, his son Shaw’s his new found love for fishing and so much more.



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Show Notes:

2:14 - Introduction, catching a swordfish and our opportunity we had to play rugby together with some of the greats of the game


9:55 - The passion he has for the game of rugby, the respect it teaches, his passion for hosting friends and family


20:45 - The new found love for fishing his son Shaw has, the pressures of balancing fishing for enjoyment and work, the elements needed for a good days fishing


30:18 - How social media has made it easier to connect with like minded people, the importance of being accessible and respectful to your supporters


41:07 - You are best at the things you love the most, his true passion is being on the leader, the thrill of going backwards on a game fishing boat


45:59 - Matt shares some insight into his wife’s zero interest for fishing


47:52 - Thrill of going backwards continued…


55:27 - His first Nationals crewing on “Primetime” with the legendary John Gregory


1:04:50 - Epic tails of fishing on “Primetime”, seeing the Pope, the birth of his passion for sword fishing, marlin at night, catching marlin in under a minute


1:29:15 - His move from “Primetime” to “The Ultimate Lady”, discovering the Whanganella Banks


1:41:33 - The big ego with game fishing, the importance of releasing more fish


2:02:00 - Young people using social media to make a name for themselves but most of true greats of the sport go unnoticed, the difference between an “Angler” and a “Fisherman”, the importance of trusting yourself and targeting the fish you want to catch


2:18:13 - Tips, tricks and insight for catching more marlin, the “pig dog” theory


2:35:45 - Sword fishing and catching the one he always wanted to catch, that epic 17 hour fight, remembering to enjoy the process


2:42:21 - The art of switch baiting, underwater footage insight


2:52:25 - Matt shares the tail of the best fish he has ever caught



Episode Twenty One : Jessie Hodges - Driven to Ride


Episode Eighteen : Aaron Styles - Just Another Fisherman